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Molly Graystone Chemistry Orbitals

Factors Effecting ionisation Energy. 1. Atomic Radius Greater atomic radius the easier it is to remove outer electrons, resulting in a smaller ionisation energy needed. As the outer electron is further from the nucleus, meaning less pull. Potassium gas a smaller first ionisation energy than sodium as potassium has a larger atomic radius. 2. Nuclear Charge Aluminium will have a high 1st ioisation energy because atomic radii decreases along a period as the nuclear charge also increases although electron shielding stays the same. The more protons the more pull on the outer electron. 3. Electron shielding The repulsion between electrons in different inner shells. Shielding reduces the net attractive force from the positive nucleus on the outer electrons. Orbital Structure o o Shells are made up of sub shells. Sub shells are made up of orbitals.

Orbital is a volume of space in an atom where there is a high probability of finding an electron.

Molly Graystone Chemistry


1st Shell- Has only one sub shell S- sub shell (1 orbital)

2nd Shell- Has two sub shells S- sub shell P- sub shell (3 orbitals)

3rd Shell- Has three sub shells S- sub shell P- sub shell D- sub shell (5 orbitals)

4th Shell- Has four sub shells S- sub shell P- sub shell D- sub shell F- sub shell (7 orbitals)

Molly Graystone Chemistry Aufbaus Principle Electron orbital configuration, uses sub shells. E.g. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2

P- Sub Shell

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