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United States and Democratic Congress

I believe that the people of the United States voted to instill a Democratic Congress in an attempt to regain some control of their government by shutting down the ability of President Bush to get his political way with absolutely little or no opposition. I think that many citizens believed, as I did, that the Republicans were using their majority power to force their will on their constituents without any reguard for their beliefs or opinions much as a totalitarian regime would do. I also felt that the elitist theory was strongly at play in that the Republican President and his Republican Congress gave the impression that they felt they alone were informed, capable and sensible enough to make important decisions facing all of us as citizens of the United States. I suppose that the American people voted for the democrats, not so much for their prior achievements, but to shut down a Republican President and Republican congress whose dominate and immense power had gone unchecked without any restraint from opposition, leaving the people feeling powerless and at the mercy of the governments every whim.

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