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Room B7 Discover and Discuss Presentation #1 Due: Friday, October 26th

Topic: Teach the Class About Your Family

Students are asked to teach us all about their family. In our Social Studies class, we have been learning all about different types of families (nuclear, same-sex, single-parent, only-child, adopted, etc.). Reflecting what they are learning at school, students are asked to create a short presentation about their family (no longer than 4 minutes). Some discussion pieces could be: 1) Type of family they belong to 2) Who is in their family (i.e., mom, two brothers, dog) 3) What does their family like to do together (i.e., play a game of family soccer, attend Synagogue or Mosque every weekend, have family reading time together

Students should come with an object or artifact they can use as a focal point for their presentation. Some examples are a family photograph, a drawing of their family, a soccer ball that the family uses to play their soccer game anything that evokes a memory or story. Please review the information on the back of this page for the assessment of this activity. Have fun!

Mr. Gale

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