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Introduction The story started when the 18-year old Inciang was helping his brother Itong pack

his things for his trip to Vigan. Itong who was then twelve years old was the class valedictorian and for this his family feels there is a need for him to continue his studies even in a place far from them. His departure was known to him three months ago by his sister, of course, who had dealt with Itong if anything of importance happened. But his Tia Orin and father, Lacay Iban, were also there that moment. Itong then absorbed this news with a cry. But Inciang calmed her through saying that Mr. Cablana, the supervising principal teacher, allowed him to ho to high school without paying fees and that she would be able to finance his studies by accepting laundry from the same teacher and from the Castilas. It will be a year before Itong will be back again. And more than anyone, Inciang had the heaviest heart. She had been mother to him as long as she could remember. Inciang had raised her brother from the day their mother died soon after giving birth to him. And every day, when she does her chores she would admit to herself she did not want Itong to grow. Itong was expected to stay at their Tata Cilins house in Nagpartian which is very near the high school he will enter. He will be accompanied by neither of his father and his sister. He will ride in a public bus where his cousin Pedro is a conductor.

Beginning Inciang worked to send him away when all she wanted was to keep him always at her side. She is always thinking how Itong who even at twelve still played with a girl named Nena would fare in a strange town amidst strange people. That afternoon came when he was to depart. His father was there, his Tia Orin and his sister, Inciang. All the children in the neighborhood were also there and Nena. It was quite a crowd. Itong sat in the dim interior of the bus, timid and teary-eyed. Inciang approached and Itong put his arms around her saying he is afraid. Inciang encouraged her with the things he might see in Vigan which she havent seen for herself. Before finally going, he reminder her sister to keep an eye on the bag of lipay seeds and marbles tied to the rafter and to send Nena some when she cooks linubbian. He said he likes Nena very much. Itong had never concealed anything from Inciang even these kinds of things. Itong wrote his sister once a month so as to save on stamps and writing paper. His letters were full of emotions and Inciang read them over and over again to her Father and Tia Orin. His last letter said that classes were about to close.

Middle After a year, Itong had gone back. He had grown faster. Inciang embraced him. When their father arrived that afternoon from the rice field, he noticed Itong wore a handkerchief around his throat. He had a cold. Lacay Iban ordered Inciang to make a concoction of some ginger with a little sugar. Finished drinking the concoction, Itong would not tire from telling stories about Nagpartian. He went out with his peers but neglected the marbles he had told her sister to take care of. The marbles soon gathered soot, dust and cobwebs. It was a mark of another phase in Itongs life. He even did not go out with Nena anymore. Inciang noticed it; without knowing that the letters Itong wrote in the red light of the kerosene lamp at night when he did not go out to play were for Nena. Until, she found a letter in one of the pockets of his shirt. It was from Nena. They have been exchanging letters. Itong had changed for he he had begun keeping secrets from Inciang. Her sister felt hurt with this development. He started asking for things. When he saw the peso bills and silver coins her sister kept for the purchase of a kerchief she had long been desired, he asked for a drill terno.

Ending Summertime had passed. Itong was a young man now. With his white drill suit and pink tie worn, his sister could not believe her eyes. Hes taller than she. His voice was deep and husky. Itong has cold still. And when Inciang and Lacay Iban noticed the presence of Nena, the two had an understanding. Lacay Iban commanded Inciang to boil some ginger and vinegar just to give time for Itong and Nena. That night, Inciang thought of the changes occurring to Itong. She knew she could not keep Itong forever young. Time would not allow that to happen. And then all the bitterness was released through tears. In the morning, Nena borrowed one of the pestles. Inciang could smile easily to Nena. She realized she never had a sister anyway. She thought of accepting Nena, a good-looking one like Nena. Inciang smiled at Nena and Nena blushingly smiled back.

Conclusion Change is inevitable. It is the only thing constant. We should accept changes with a light heart especially if it is for the better. Settling on the past will not bring us any good. We have to live with the now and use all the lessons learned in the past.

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