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Appendix 3 Complete the following sentences:

I have bolded the word I believe is correct: When population size equals K, growth (accelerates/slows/stops) At zero population growth in a closed population, the death rate is (greater than/equal to/less than) the birth rate. R Selected Species are adapted for life in (stable/unstable) environments. K selected species (are/are not) adapted for living in populations at or near the carrying capacity. (Exponential/Logistic) Growth is typical of a population over the long term. Abundance refers to the( density/distribution) of a population.

1. Identify the following statements as true or false: a. All forest communities have a similar number of populations. False b. The species richness of a terrestrial ecosystem is in general related to latitude of the ecosystem True c. Species richness gives a measure of the number of different populations in a community. False d. An age structure plot with a pyramid shape is indicative of a growing population False e. Abundance of a population is also known as population density True f. Total counts are more commonly carried out than the use of sampling techniques Falce

g. Quadrats can only be used to sample plant populations False h. Mark Recapture techniques are used for plant populations. False i. An open population has no migration. false j. Population sampling using strip transects can be done from the air. True k. In exponential growth, the increase in population size each generation is the same Environmental resistance to growth produces the deceleration phase False

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