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| : : || If a fire, a loan, or an enemy continues to exist even to a small extent, it wil l grow again and again; so do not let

any one of it continue to exist even to a small extent. , , 2 | : || There are three jewels on earth: water, food, and adages. Fools, however, regard pieces of roc s as jewels. 3 | || Animals do not coronate a lion through sprin ling holy water on him and conducti ng certain rituals. He assumes ingship (effortlessly) through his own prowess. ronate 4 : | || When a fire is burning a forest, wind becomes its friend. The same wind extingui shes a small flame. Who holds friendship with the wea ? , 5 | || A bad person uses his nowledge for (empty) argumentations, his wealth for egoti stic actions, and his power for harming others. The opposite is true concerning a good person: He uses his nowledge, wealth, and power for providing to others nowledge, financial help, and protection, respectively. 6 , | || A ing forms the strength of the wea ; crying forms the strength of a child. Kee ping mum forms the strength of a fool; lying forms the strength of thieves. 7 | : || Not a horse, not an elephant, not a tiger is ever offered as a sacrifice at an a ltar. It is a baby goat which is offered as a sacrifice. (Alas!) God does not pr otect the wea . , 8 | : || In all the 18 'Puranas' Shri. Vyaasa Maharshi has told only two gospels: Doing f avour to others is 'Punya' and troubling others is 'Paapa' (Sin)!! 9 | || Starting from Himalayas and extending upto Indu sarovaram (Indian Ocean) is the nation created by God which is nown as 'Hindusthan'. Himalayan ranges including Hindu ush parvat on Western side and the ranges extending upto North Myanmar ( Brahmadesh) on the Eastern side formed the Northern Boundary of ancient Hindusth an. This land extended upto the Indian Ocean on the Southern side. This is the s acred land where God too Birth from time to time and recreated and established the social structure. 10 _ | : || All the people over the earth (Pruthiwyam Sarvamanavaha) should ta e lessons abo : :


ut living and building their characters from the ancestors (Rishis and Saints) ( Agrajanmanaha) who too birth in this land, Nation. (Etaddesh prasootasya) The H indu culture and heritage is the greatest of it's ind in this world and has pow er to lead and show right path to the whole world.

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