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Why did the US lose the Vietnam War? Vietnam War is a war between North Vietnam and USA.

Unlike many people thought, the war was end with North Vietnams tactical victory. Why did US who had won many wars lose the war? US army had more experiences than Vietcong did. Most of American soldiers were inexperience. The average of the American soldiers was just nineteen. American soldiers often had low morale and desertion rates were high. President Nixon had lost eager of fighting the

Vietnam War after being accused because of Watergate Affair in 1974 and started to withdraw the American troops from Vietnam. Vietcong carried out effective guerrilla tactics. On 31 January 1968 seventy thousand Vietcong attacked on 100 town and cities in South Vietnam. Unlike Vietcong, the USs warfare tactics were not that effective. In 1963, President Johnson began a bombing campaign of North Vietnam. However, US bombing killed many civilians and made North Vietnam more determined. In addition, Operation Rolling Thunder-the American bombing campaign over North Vietnam- only had little effect, because North Vietnam had only few factories to destroy and it was mostly countryside. Vietcong also used their natural resources wisely. US had better weapons than Vietcong and if the tactics were more effective, US could have won the war easily.

References "Vietnam War."

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