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Jeffery R. Holland, Peter, Do you love me more than you love all this?

- Jesus Yay lord, though knowest that I love thee. - Peter Peter, do you love me... Jesus Yay lord, though knowest that I love thee, - Peter Peter, - Jesus Lord, though knowest that I love thee. - Peter Then, peter, why are you here? why are we back on the same shore by the same nets having this same conversation? - Jesus Isn't it obvious that if I need fish I can get fish, right now peter, I need disciples to preach my gospel and defend my faith, i need someone who truly loves me, and loves what our father in heaven has commissioned me to do. Peter, I am asking you to leave all of this and finish this work, did you think the cross and the nail and the tomb, do you think you could blissfully go back to the way your life was. Do you, like Harod, believe that it will all end just by killing me? Do you love me?????? 1st great commandment, Love the lord with all thy heart and all thy might. Crowning characteristic of love is loyalty.

Expects your loyalty and your love at every stage of your life.

The voice of Christ comes ringing down through the halls of time, asking each one of us while there is time, Do you love me? and for every one of us, I answer with my honor and my soul, yay lord we do love thee! And having set our hands to the plow we will never look back till this work is finished, and love of god and neighbor.

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