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Household Pests Declaring household pesticides not effective at a one-day workshop organised by the Nasinu Town Council and

the National Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health on Monday, August 27 as reported by The Fiji Times is a very alarming concern. Reason being vectors such as mosquitoes and rats of human diseases such as Malaria, dengue and typhoid. Authorities should make correct regulations to register all farm and household pesticides. As pesticides used for prolong periods is deterimental to human life which we can control. Land Rightful landowners should be given first chance to work their land with assistance of capital. Whole mataqali should be involved, example if canefarm then a minimum of 60 tonnage per acre shoul be achieved by the 3rd or 5th year of the 10 year period and if a Dalo farmer then 4 tonnes Per acre if not then tendered to interested investors. Recreational Grounds, Parks and Beaches Fiji has 332 islands surrounded by beautiful beaches but the citizens of fiji do not have access to them. Every town and city council should have a minimum of 2 beach's or picnic spots allocated with basic facilities. As well as each town and city council should have a sporting facilities for the public to utilize as we have abundance of land as our population density is 45 per square kilometers. Basic needs such as water and energy charges should be reduced and if possible a pre pay system. As there is news that road experts will be in the country to fix our road problem, I request if there can be a highway made straight between LautokaSuva with toll gates. For all the above funding is the key hence all Ministers should hold MQR of a degree in their respective portfolio's there fore they can design system's to hold all the money we are loosing out and making us feel like beggars. But still I believe Fiji should be the way the World to be. Vinaka Sarlsh Kumar

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