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Difference between Random Scan Display and Raster Scan Display Random Scan Didplay In random scan display

the beam is moved between the end points of the graphics primitives. Random display flickers when the number of primitives in the buffer becomes too large. Scan conversion is not required. Raster Scan Display In raster display the beam is moved all over the screen one scan line at a time, from top to bottom and then back to top. In raster display, the refresh process is independent of the complexity of the image. Graphics primitives are specified in terms of their endpoints and must be scan converted into their corresponding pixels in the frame buffer. Scan conversion hardware is not required. Because each primitive must be scanconverted, real time dynamics is far more computational and requires separate scan conversion hardware. Random display draws continuous and smooth Raster display can display mathematical lines. smooth lines, polygons and boundaries curved primitives only by approximately them with pixels on the raster grid. Cost is more Cost is low Random display only draws lines and Raster display has ability to display a filled characters. with solidcolours of patterns Applications of Raster Scan Graphics i. Flight simulation: The use of the computer base flight simulators saves air-line companies huge sums of money. ii. Animation: The raster scan display can also be used for painting surface on which individual frames are prepared for animated sequences. iii. Design: Realistic views of solid objects, machine part, glass bottles, buildings can be generated on raster scan display using store geometric description of the objects. iv. Technical illustration: The surface of the raster scan display can be used as interactive drafting table for the preparation of technical illustration. v. Printing and plotting: Raster scan printers have been design for generating hard copy output of the text and images. vi. Image processing: New techniques are constantly developed for dealing with sampled images of real world scenes.

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