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What Really Happened to Team Obama The first presidential debate of the 2012 election is in the books now and the biggest question of the evening was How many MSNBC prognosticators will commit hara-kiri tonight? The presidents performance was so poor that Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz appeared to be ready to punch him in the stomach if he were to walk in the room. But he didnt walk into the room so all they could do is let their blood pressure build until that little vein kept popping out of their necks as they wondered what happened. Another room the president did not seem to walk into was the debate hall. The only time he gave the appearance of being there he looked not like a deer in the headlights but that same deer after just being hit by a semi - stunned and incoherent. Romney clearly had Obama on the defensive and the president never could muster a defense for the past four years. True to the lefts narrative, he occasionally offered up the excuse that things were a lot tougher than they knew when he first took the oath of office. But the challenger snapped back with stats on a recovery that is weakening for the past two years implying Obama has no clue how to get the economy back on track. In the aftermath, Stephanie Cutter, spokesperson for the Obama campaign, was clearly frustrated and appeared to be on the verge of screaming or crying over the performance. Her answer was to attack the moderator, liberal PBS anchor Jim Lehrer and Romney in a single complaint. I sometimes wondered if we even needed a moderator because we had Mitt Romney, Cutter screeched minutes after the debates conclusion. What she failed to consider was that if Romney was taking control of the debate he did a poor job of it, giving Obama an extra four plus minutes of talking time. On CNN, the consummate left wing zealot, Jim Carville, gave his characteristically unbridled opinion that Romney acted like he wanted to be there and the president did not. But Matthews and the others kept looking for a reason Obama did so poorly. Some said he looked tired. Others insisted he did not prepare well or his handlers let him down. They universally agreed his four year hiatus from debating cost him dearly. Many, no doubt, hoped that a new national security issue was weighing on his mind and we would only find out about it in a few days. So the final analysis may still be lost on the presidents fans, those people who get the tingle down their leg when he speaks and who compare him to FDR and Lincoln. But the independents are beginning to understand. What they saw was not a president who was aloof or tired, arrogant or ill prepared. What they felt as they watched him struggle was the sudden realization that this nation has put a man in the Whitehouse and into the most powerful position in the world who is not up to the task. They began to feel the same thing most Republicans have sensed from the outset that Barack Obama cannot truly be called a constitutional scholar, nor a

skilled statesman, nor even an experienced politician . What Barack Obama can be called is what he truly is, and that is a community organizer. And now we can look back and see what happens when you elect a man to the presidency who is not prepared; you have a country with no end in sight to high unemployment and a lackluster economy. You have no real plan for the nations woes on the energy front, education, the skyrocketing debt, or how to save Social Security and Medicare. You have a foreign policy that is crumbling before our eyes. The Middle East is still the powder keg it once was, even after the presidents apology (reach out) tour, but now it has a lit fuse attached. And we have allies that are confused at why we have such a cavalier attitude towards their security, while other countries arent sure if they are friend or foe - and we cant be sure either. In the final two debates the president will surely prepare better and even his biggest detractors will expect him to look like he cares. But if you are a liberal prognosticator anxious for him to hand a beating to Romney the way he got pummeled himself, you are going to be disappointed. Mitt Romney will not let that happen because he truly is a skilled politician and leader with an enviable record to prove it. And he will prepare himself again, just as he did his homework this time around. The left can look through their rose colored glasses all they want but they cannot produce that type of record for their hero. There are just too many inconvenient facts showing otherwise.

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