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Planning Content

You need to come up with: A list of the regular content which will appear in your new school magazine A list of at least 10 feature articles which will appear in your magazine A list of the images which you will use on your contents page

To come up with my 10 feature articles, I took events from around the school and based my cover lines around them for example... Are GCSEs too easy? This is something that is known over the country, let alone the school. Alongside that I also included nine more coverlines, which are: Weatherhead goes worldwide Sit back, relax and enjoy your trip. - Associated with all the places the school/pupils travel to throughout the year. ON AIR Ice-Radio goes live across the country- Associated with our schools radio station been giving a licence to broadcast to the country all the time. Scare School! Sixth formers unleashed on Halloween- Article on how the sixth form in school are allowed to dress up for Halloween. Every man for himself Food fight destroys common room. This revolves around how there was a food fight in the sixth for common room. New comers for new year New 6th formers talk about their experiences. Cooking cakes for charity Childcare goes all out for their chosen charity Phil and Eth no longer Will one of our most loved subjects be gone forever -This is about how the school does not want this t be a subject anymore. Want to know how to rule the school? Ask our sixth formers theyll help you. Interview with sixth formers to teach the lower years Finally, QUIZ- Whats your fave subject? How much to do you love school? This is part of the regular content as if my magazine was to be continued, then a quiz would be part of it each time. I then went on to base some images around the feature articles that would be in my magazine, to follow the codes and conventions of a magazine contents page. These are some of my ideas; Cakes- for the cooking with childcare article The Ice-Radio studio- ON AIR Door sign for a Philosophy and Ethics room- Phil and Eth no longer

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