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What makes winning team Who is good leader Abitlity is not major distinguishing factor in success, especialy as the

he level of competition increases A can do approach: Talent alone is not enough, clarity of role and the goal is crical to win, performance goals makes you focus that can be controlled which helps to achive our goal: Success must be analysed with the same rigour as failure,managing success as difficult as achiving it: Positive turbulence helps you stay ahead of change: The book inspiringly tells us that our focus must be winning and winning alone: The building blocks - tallents-team climate and collective pride

Sports and business have much in common. Competitiveness dynamisms, uncertainty, strategy and execution and above all leadership and team work. Building capacitance and speedily bridging competence gaps will have to be done in unique and innovative ways. Anita and harsha attempt such an innovation in a most outstanding way by drawing out business lessons from sport in a gripping book. The winning way is an invigorating read. Understanding the business world through the lens of sport is stimulating and energizing. The book has expressively and compelling laid out the ground rules of winning.

This book is a great gift to the ambitious aspirants from the corporate as well as the entrepreneurship worlds. We hope the values and lessons derived get well entrenched in the future global leaders

Reviewed by: Amol Amrale Roll no: 34(channakya) MMS(1st SEM)

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