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akening Great Aw
Volume 1, Issue 1
Newsletter Date

The Great Awakening refers to the time period between the 17301740. It is also known to be the first truly American event. It caused a lot of controversy and questions. During this time many new religions and new ideas.

John Edwards, a very radical preacher, loved to scare his listening into believing in Christ. He told his congregation that if they didnt believe in Christ that they would burn forever in hell. Most people who left his sermons and revivals were somewhat scared for their lives. They thought that if they didnt turn to Christianity, that God would punish them and their family during their life, and then let them burn in hell for eternity after that. He was VERY set on his ways and no one could convert him or change him when it comes to what he believes in. He loved God , but had a very loud and descriptive of showing it.


Some people are wondering what is the difference between the New Lights and the Old Lights? Well they both mean different things. The New Lights refer to the new religions and ideas such as Christianity and freedom. Old Lights refer to the colonists who believe that the old traditional ways are correct. That means that they think that everyone should be required to go to church twice every Sunday and be loyal to the king. It caused many problems because churches, families, even friends had to choose either the modern ideas or the old traditional ways.

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