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function setupDoubleClick(websiteUrl, dictionary, areaId, maxAllowedWords, targe t) { //warning message for developers if (!websiteUrl || !

dictionary) { alert("Please specify required parameters (websiteurl and dictio nary) to setupDoubleClick()"); return; } //shows the definition layer var showLayer = function(e) { // don't do anything on A href elements // and when this is right button of mouse. if ("a" || e.button==2) { jQuery("#definition_layer").remove(); return; } e.preventDefault(); var lookup = getSelectedText(); lookup = lookup.replace(/[\.\*\?;!()\+,\[:\]<>^_`\[\]{}~\\\/\"\' =]/g, " "); lookup = lookup.replace(/\s+/g, " "); if (lookup != null && lookup.replace("/\s/g", "").length > 0) { //disable the double-click feature if the lookup string //exceeds the maximum number of allowable words if (maxAllowedWords && lookup.split(/[ -]/).length > max AllowedWords) return; //append the layer to the DOM only once if (jQuery("#definition_layer").length == 0) { var imageUrl = "http://assets.macmillandictionar"; jQuery("body").append("<div id='definition_layer ' style='position:absolute; cursor:pointer;'><img src='" + imageUrl + "' alt='' title=''/></div>"); } //move the layer at the cursor position jQuery("#definition_layer").map(function() { jQuery(this).css({'left' : e.pageX-30, ' top' : e.pageY-40}); }); //open the definition popup clicking on the layer jQuery("#definition_layer").mouseup(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); openPopup(lookup); }); } else { jQuery("#definition_layer").remove(); } }; //opens the definition popup var openPopup = function(lookup) { var searchUrl = websiteUrl + "search/" + dictionary + "/direct/" ; if (target) {

var popup = + "?q=" + lookup, targ et, "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,r esizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=600,height=550,top=300,left=300"); if (popup) popup.focus(); } else { + "?q=" + lookup); } }; var area = areaId ? "#" + areaId : "body"; jQuery(area).mouseup(showLayer); } /* * Cross-browser function to get selected text */ function getSelectedText(){ if(window.getSelection) return window.getSelection().toString(); else if(document.getSelection) return document.getSelection(); else if(document.selection) return document.selection.createRange().text; return ""; }

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