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Panel Questions Personal Experience Questions

1. How did being a minority in the classroom and on campus affect your level of comfort with your learning environment? (Andre Fields, Rhondo Cooper, Jesse Vance) 2. As it relates to the social stigma and negative socialization experienced by African American males, can you think of any negative messages about what it means to be an African American male that you internalized? How did the internalization of these negative messages complicate your chances of being successful in college? (Raynard Ross, Darren Williamson, Garrett Fox)

3. Thinking about your overall college experience, can you recall any issues, distractions, challenges or situations you experienced solely or mostly because of the color of your skin? (Ennis Young, Ralph Johnson, Jesse Vance) 4. Who and/or what inspires you to be successful? (John Hurst, Eric Williams, Darren Williamson) 5. How has being an African American male positively affected your educational path? (Rhondo Cooper, Andre Fields, Ralph Johnson) 6. How do you personally respond to racism? (Garrett Fox, Raynard Ross, Eric Williams)

Personal Theory Questions (each panelist should be give one reason)

1. What is one reason you think many African American males have difficulty achieving success at the college level? (all)

Institutional Intervention Questions

1. What are some approaches that GRCC can implement to help AA males overcome their educational barriers? (Ennis Young & Garrett Fox) 2. What can GRCC do to maximize/integrate the cultural strengths of African Americans? (John Hurst & Jesse Vance) 3. What can GRCC do to make their AA Male student feels more empowered in the classroom an on campus? (Rhondo Cooper & Darren Williamson)

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