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Karl Popper

Introductory Video: /watch?v=XaNxQqTz_Bs


Ludwig Wittgenstein significant philosopher of Most


..but God?

the 20th century. His first important theory was written in his first book called Tractatus logico-philosophicus in 1923. Stated that LANGUAGE-GAME, thought, and reality share a connection with each other. The simple in language names correspond the simples elements in the world objects.

Ludwig Wittgenstein He new his first theory was

wrong so, he abandoned the idea that language has an image.

In his second theory then he stated that there are many languages, relations between the languages and there are many usages of them.
We belong to a culture, so there fore we have a language.

Teacher and students

Parents and sons

One of the greatest Philosophers of Science of the 21st century. One of his most important publishing was All life is problem solving Rejection of empiricism
Knowledge comes from senses, and experience

Karl Popper

Against quantum mechanics because all scientific laws, are hypothesis that can be proven wrong Proving a hypothesis, and then proving it wrong is a process that helps us reach the truth.

School of Falsiability
Verification and falsiability Process : Error Elimination
Natural Selection / Biological Evolution




Mitchell, Helen Buss. Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions. Boston: Wadsworth, 2011. Print. "Un Universo Invisible Bajo Nuestros Pies." Las Teoras Cientficas Segn Karl Popper: La Falsabilidad. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. < /10/59009>. Rosario Barbosa, Pedro M. "La Filosofia De Karl Popper." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. <>.

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