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Industrial Visit Moser Baer

Industrial Visit to Moser Baer, Greater Noida on 4th Oct, 2012 For: PGDM (Gen)-2012-14 Batch PGDM (Gen) students went for an industrial visit to the Moser Baer at Greater Noida on 4th Oct; 2012.An eventful bus ride from JIMs campus, Sector-5, Rohini enhanced the energy levels which turned the students into fervent learners once they entered the Moser Baer premises, Greater Noida. The much awaited experience started with a formal presentation of the companys vision and mission statement and the production which Moser Baer India manufactures. Mr.Tilak, Senior HR Manager elaborated the working of the organization and gave a detailed know-how about their products and students were answered of all the technical and management oriented questions. Following the informative presentation, Moser Baer official led the students to the manufacturing plant.

The efforts made by the college and the Moser Baer were collectively well received and appreciated by the students. It has clearly given the some insight into the actual business world and envisaged the picture of the corporate environment in the knowledge seeking mind.

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