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The product is made from natural products such as soy, cornstarch considering the properties of soy that has

health benefits, especially in diabetics, also for the health of the liver and kidney between the main ingredients of the product. The product shall have the same nutritional characteristics of soy that they originate. Soy proteins: It is estimated that 1 kilo of soy protein is equivalent in value to: 2 kg of meat 10 liters of milk 50 eggs 1 cheese

Contains high levels of potassium and phosphorus, vitamins D, C, B and A and has enzymes that stimulate digestion. Soy has no cholesterol and is rich in fiber, also in vitamins and minerals that contribute to the reduction of bad cholesterol.

INGREDIENTS: The product is made from the following ingredients: Cornstarch Soy Egg Sugar

PREPARATION: 1) The soybeans are soaked with 6 hours prior. 2) Liquefied soybeans with a little water for 2 minutes. 3) Boil the soy stirring constantly so as not to overflow the pot. 4) Strain the soy and the bagasse is prepared soy patties (SoyMax). 5) When bagasse was mixed with 2 eggs, 250 gr. cornstarch and sugar (extra ingredient to spice up the product, other ingredients can be cheese, salt according to our criteria) 6) Finally fry everything and if I had molds would shape the cookies.

SALES STRATEGIES: The products are distributed in shops and kiosks for sale of 3 for 1 week S/1.00 but cost 2 per S/0.50 as the product launch.



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