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Johnson 1 Robert Johnson Mr. Padilla Adv.

Government/Economics 5 6 September 2012 Current Events The author of this article is anonymous. The name of the article is Virtual Princeton. The purpose for this article is to inform the public about the next step coming up in higher levels of education. Basically, there are a bunch of Ivy League schools banding together and offering free college classes on a program called Coursera. The program will be based off of students watching posted videos of lectures from some of the countrys top college professors, so that they may gain knowledge. Now one may ask, Will I be able to gain college credit from this program? Well, for right now, the answer is primarily no. Only a few universities, such as the University of Washington, are awarding credits that build up towards a degree. However, many of the classes lead straight into internship beneficiaries and job offers. Schools, such as MIT and Harvard are following suit through a nonprofit venture called edX. This is important to current affairs in the sense that it will help create more opportunities for a better future. Many bright people cannot afford to attend schools of higher education, but now, America is erasing that problem.

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