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Number Attachment Subject to

: : : Application income tax Artcile 21

Taxation General Director Cuncungan 184 Street, South Jakarta

Dears sir, With respect the existence of this restitution letter, I as Leader of PT.ABC wan t to ask ragading the payment of tax resititution which can do by my company, the procedure for filling an application restitution it is hereby : Tax payer Name NPWP Street Apply a refund Rp. 20.000.000 by reason a tax which after payment by my company is over payment

This letter we would like to request restitution, for your attention and corporation we say thank you

Sincerely yours

The rish have 4 type is: 1. The very low risk is where the company or PKP can tax dertemined with level very low risk, when by qualified financial report examined by accouting audit 2. The low risk is where this risk the company or PKP ever filed restitution of last 3 times,and anilisy quantitaty of lo-risk score 3. The medium risk is where the company or PKP can determined with medium risk when analysis Risk Qualitative of medium risk score 4. The high risk is where the company or PKP can determined by quliafied 5 creteria analisis risk qualitative by quliafied of the hig risk score The objection is the administration which can do by tax payer cant approve assetment letter or cut tax by third party The appeal is remedy which can do by tax payer against discision for appeal, and under the rules UU taxation applicable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Routine inspection Criteria routine inspenction Special inspection Examination of current years Eximination of the location of the tax payer

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