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Documentary Ideas: Are Performing Arts as important as Academic Subjects?

5 minutes Make smart choices in your life

Music Art Textiles and maybe Graphics Dance Media (show shots of social network sites) Drama

Places to go and use: BOA Custard Factory Access to Music Galleries Solihull Library Interviewees: Musicians at college Dancers/ dance teachers Graphic designer Art students Science and Maths students English teacher Doctor/lawyer Opening idea: someone painting our title Captions for each of our topics made up of the arts related to resources in that area E.g. for music make the word up of microphones and drum sticks Use college students to hold up job titles and dress as what their job is E.g. doctor in white coat (perhaps more higher paid suitable jobs over arty ones to prove a point) Vox pop and formal interview for each subject Voiceover over establishing shots of art groups Survey to show if arts more popular than academic subjects, or if there are higher grades in arts or academic subjects, do more people do art or academic subject Polaroid style photographs of art and/or academic students and people piled up fast-paced Academic students quotes typed up on screen with name, college and A levels

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