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Reaction of Phenol with Bromine Water

Group 3, Joymee Grajo and Angelica Nogas

Electrophillic Substitution

Chemical (Compound) formula: Br3C6H2 No halogen carrier is needed (unlike benzene) as the OH group makes the ring more susceptible to electrophillic attack. The product is has low solubility in water. The product is often used not only as a qualitative measure of the amount of phenol but also as a quantitative measure of the phenol present.

What happens

The hydroxyl group of the ring activates the ring toward reaction with the electrophillic bromine.

The donation of the oxygen's lone pair into the ring system increases the electron density around the ring. The OH group has more activating effect on some positions around the ring than others Net effect: -OH group has a 2,4-directing effect.

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