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A counter is a simple device which used for counting.

There are different types of counter: Software counter:are the counters which do not physically exist in plc but they are simulated in software Hardware counters:do not exist in PLC and not depend on scan time. Software counters are divided in to following Up counter(CTU):count up Down counter(CTD):count down Up down counter(UDC).

2. 3.

Hardware counter is typically high speed counter(HSC).

If the arrival time of the pulses which is to be count is greater than the twise of the scan time than the software counter will be use. Similerly when the arrival time of the pulses is less than the twise of the scan time then hardware counter will be use. For example:if the scan time is 2ms and the arrival time of pulse is 4ms or greater than 4ms ,such as 5,6and so on, than we use sofrware counter and if the arrival time of the pulse is less than the twice of the scan time i.e. less than 4ms such as 3 ms than we use the hardware counters

The sourse of the pulse to be counted,this is the form one of the input. How many pulses to be countd before activation when/how the counter will be reset so that it will count again.

When program is running on plc the program displays the current count value. Typically counter can count from 0 to 9999 Or -32768 to +32767 Or to 65535. Since most plcs are 16 bit counter;0 to 9999 are 16 bit BCD counter and -32768 to +32767 and 0 to 65535 are 16 bit binary counter

reset pulse

Cxxx yyyy

Figure above shows a counter with two inputs one goes to the reset line and when this input is turned on the current count value will return to zero.

second input is used for counting the pulses.

Let us consider an example the no of objects pass infront of the sensor that is physically connected to the input 0001.than normally open contacts with the address 0001 would be connected to the pulse line. If 10 objects are to be counted than before turning on the counting 10 is placed.



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