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Activities Diet Before Hospitalization Good Appetite 3 meals/ day (usually made of 1 cup of rice and pork/ chicken) Like to eat sweets (pastries and cakes) During Hospitalization August 24, 2012 NGT Feeding started then was stop because of coffee ground vomitus. August 26 resume of tube feeding but they had to lower the amount of food intake because they have aspirated some blood. August 27 NPO except medications August 28 to 30 resume of NGT Feeding August 30 (afternoon) NPO again because of BUN and Creatinine test
Significance NGT Feeding was done to administer tube feedings and medications to clients unable to eat by mouth or swallow sufficient diet without aspirating food or fluids into the lungs.

Exercise/Locomo tion

Light household chores

Turning of position from side to side every 2 hours.

Confine to bed with right sided paralysis. Turning of position helps to prevent muscle discomfort. It also maintains

muscle tone and stimulates postural reflexes. To prevent bedsores and pneumonia.

Elimination Bowel Once a day From August 24 -26 patient was notable to defecate. August 27 (early morning) she was able to defecate twice. On Foley Catheter
Decrease bowel movement due to confinement to bed which leads to reduce activity levels that contributes to slow or decreased motility.


4-5 times a day

To facilitate accurate measurements of urinary output for critically ill clients whose output needs to be monitored hourly.

Hygiene Oral Twice a day Oral care done every suctioning or secretions are present
Not able to perform self-care due to confinement to bed and right-sided hemiparesis. Oral care is done to: - To inhibit accumulation of bacteria leading to mouth sores. - To maintain the intactness and

Bathing Once a day Tepid sponge bath done by family member

health of the lip, tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth. To clean and moisten the membranes of the mouth and lips.

Not able to perform self-care due to confinement to bed and right-sided hemiparesis. Tepid sponge bath is done to: - To promote sense of well-being - To provide comfort.

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