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The objective of the project is to know the Indian consumer behavior related to the purchase of mobile phones and to find out why Nokia is a leading mobile phone player in the Indian market. In order to get a close look, I have done a survey of the market, through which I have tried to find the factors influencing the decision of the consumer while they go on to buy the phone. Some of the factors that are considered are battery backup, user friendliness, after sales service, attractive looks etc. From this survey I have also try to formulate a strategy and come up with suggestion for the second rung and the third rung companies, these are based purely on the data collected from the survey and observations from the market research. As advertisement is considered to be the major force behind the popularity of the brand, through this survey I have also tried to find the retention of advertisement on the consumers mind. Beside the purchasing decision of the consumer, Ive also visited some of the mobile stores to get off the cuff views from the dealers themselves. The survey has been conducted in the Delhi region.

Indian Mobile phone Market

By most accounts, India is among the world's fastest-growing markets for mobile phones. The country has some 170 million subscribers and adds 6 million to 7 million more each month. (China, in contrast, adds 5million subscribers, and the U.S. 2 million subscribers a month.)Recognizing this potential, several global telecom giants jumped into the fray when the Indian government first opened up the country's telecom market to private enterprise in1994. Among them, one company -- Finland-based Nokia -- forged ahead of rivals and today commands more then 70% of market share for mobile phones (also called "handsets"). Major players Indian mobile market is by far ahead of other electronics consumers products, when in comes to players. Most sector is dominated by large players like Nokia, Sony erricson, Samsung, Motorola and spice. Grey market presence is also seen and there has been commendable increase in the low cost mobile phones.

Consumer behavior
Indian consumer is noted for its high degree of value orientation. Such high degree has tagged Indian consumers to b the most discerning consumer. Family and friends orientation: Indian consumer has a high degree of family and peers orientation and hence his decision is easily influence by his friends. The brand that identifies with the family values tends to be more popular and accepted easily in the market. Loyalty towards the trusted brand: Indian consumer tends to develop a relationship with a commodity brand that wins its trust. They stick to a particular brand and do not experiment much. More receptive to Good after sales service: having been its susceptibleness made habitual of the pre reforms era, where the public sectors services were insensitive towards the consumer, Indian consumer has become more receptive towards good after sales service

Increasing awareness of Indian consumer

Over the years, as the result of the increasing literacy rate and exposure to the satellite television, foreign magazine and newspapers there is a significant increment of awareness among the Indian consumer
Today more and more consumers are selective on the quality of the products/services. This awareness has made the Indian consumers seek more and more reliable sources for purchases such as organized retail chains that have a corporate background and where the accountability is more pronounced. The consumer also seeks to purchase from a place where his/her feedback is more valued. Indian consumers are now more aware and discerning, and are knowledgeable about technology, products and the market and are beginning to demand benefits beyond just availability of a range of products that came from trusted manufacturers.

Advertisements and its impact

With the increased awareness of the Indian consumer along with the escalating competition in the Indian market, the consumer is now less tempted by advertisements. To talk about the impact of advertising is to overstate its effectiveness. As the effectiveness of the advertisement has gone down, the use of it has increased ironically.

The era of a particular trend doesnt lasts that long in todays market, gone are the days when jingles and music theme use to house in the consumers mind. Today the market is overcommunicated and the stickiness factor is not that long lasting. More recently the use of celebrity as a tool to influence consumer buying decision was at its peak, Consumers like advertisements more if they are admirers of the celebrities in the advertisements. When a consumer likes the celebrity in the advertisement, he or she is more likely to accept what the celebrity says about the advertised product and therefore will develop more positive feelings toward the advertisement and the brand itself. Famous celebrities are able to attract attention and retain attention by their mere presence in the advertisements. The latest trend sees the recognition of adds that connects with the human relation and values. More and more brands are now following such concept. (For example: airtels advertisement in which kids play football on the across the border) The future key for marketing could be to select more ethical and ecological responsible products and packaging, which is also convenient for consumers, thus, balancing environmental concerns with commercial considerations. Consumers in India are taking lead in prompting manufacturers to adopt technologies to produce eco-friendly products.

Recent trend in the industry

Contrary to popular perception, India, and not China, will add the most new subscribers to the international mobile telephony market, a just released research study by Zinnov says. India is one of the fastest growing mobile markets in the world having already crossed its 100 million way back in April 2006. About 15% of Indias 1.1 billion people use mobile- phone services, which are offered at rates as low as 2 U.S. cents a minute. According to the report, by 2010, 74 per cent of mobile subscribers will live in emerging economies, and while they will only contribute 40 per cent of global revenue due to lower average revenue per user, they are among the most profitable given the lower cost of serving them.

(tick wherever applicable) Q1) What type of a mobile phone do you use? a) GSM [ ] b) CDMA [ ] Q2) Which brand/brands of Mobile phone do you have?

Q3) Did you survey the market before buying the phone? a) Yes [ ] Q4) If yes. The brands considered? a) Sony ericsson b) Philips c) Motorola d) Fly i) Any other (please specify) e) Nokia f ) Haier g) LG h) Samsung b) No [ ]

Q5) What are the main features that influenced your decision? (give rank 1 being the strongest and 7 being weakest) a) Brand Name b) Technical features c) Price d) Attractive looks e) Dealers Influence f) After sales services g) Impressive Advertising

Q6) Any other Feature apart from the above mentioned list that Highly influences your decision?

Q7) When you are making a purchase what do you look for? Strongly agree a) I buy Phone to suffice my purpose of making and attending calls only b) I must have the newest technology available in the market c) phone has become a status symbol and hence I should have the updated handset. d) I am price conscious and would wait for the prices to drop Q8) Anything else that look upon while making a purchase. Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q9) Where do you think did the other brand lacked? And what additional improvement in that phone would have made you buy that phone?

Q10) Do large specific promotions such as large discounts effect your purchase decision? a) No b) Yes [ ] [ ] (please mention the most important factor which influences you)

Q11) How important is the price factor if you plan to buy a Mobile Phone set as compared to the Brand name? [ ] very important [ ] neutral [ ] not important

Q12) Would you prefer a phone which gives maximum feature within low price over a phone which has got a good market value? a) Yes b) No [ ] [ ]

Q13) If yes then mention the brand which according to you has a good market value? ----------------------------Q14) Have you seen any latest advertisement of your Mobile brand? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] Q15) Which of the following brands advertisement of Mobile phone have you seen recently? a) Sony ericsson b) Philips c) Motorola d) Fly i) Any other (please specify) e) Nokia f ) Haier g) LG h) Samsung

Q16) Can you relate to the following punch lines? (match the name of the company) I the Next step Next is what? Digitally yours Connecting people Experience the new high (A) Nokia (B) Sony erricson (C) Samsung (D) Haier (E) LG

Q17) Are you planning to change your Mobile phone in near future?

a) YES [ ]

b) NO [ ]

Q18) How much do you think you will spend on a new mobile phone in the next purchase? a) < 5,000 b) 10,000 - 20,000 [ ] [ ] c) 5,000 - 10,000 d) > 20,000 [ ] [ ]

Q19) Rate the following statements from 1 to 5 in terms of the given attributes for Samsung, LG, Nokia, Motorola, haier and Sony depending on how much you agree with the statement. (l- Fully Agree, 2 -Somewhat Agree, 3 -Neutral, 4 -Somewhat Disagree, 5 -Fully Disagree) Features Good Battery backup Good sound and camera User friendly Good after sales service Looks attractive Low priced Samsung LG Nokia Motorola Haier Sony

Respondents Details
Name : Gender:

Age (in yrs.) <15 [ ] 41-60 [ ] 16-25 [ ] >60 [ ] 26-40 [ ]

Occupation :

[ ] Self employed [ ] service

[ ] Student [ ] housewife

Analysis of the questionnaire and report

Ranking of parameters (Q-5)
According to the data obtained from survey the parameters are arranged in descending order of preference of the consumers when considering a Mobile phone. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Parameter Technical feature Brand Name Price Attractive looks After sales service Impressive advertising Dealers influence Mean

2.97 3.17 4.14 5.77


Parameters with mean less than 3.50 may be judged important both by the consumers and the company.

After sales service having a mean of 4.14, which is above 3.50, should not be ruled out as the ranking method is not the sole criteria for judging Consumer behaviour. Market surveyed (Q3) As per the responses following is the observed frequency Frequency Yes No 25 13 Percent 65.8 34.3 Valid percent 65.8 34.3 Cumulative percent 65.8 100

More then 34 % of the respondents never did a survey before buying the phone and all the respondents who didnt survey the market were NOKIA customers. 80 percent of the rest of the respondents were also Nokia customers.

The more number of respondents giving positive ans. for this question definitely shows that the Indian consumers are aware of the market and make planned purchases, but we cannot rule out the other 37% of the respondents. This also shows that Indian consumer goes by word of mouth. These consumers didnt do a direct survey of the market, instead their decision was mostly influenced by peers. Brand perception (brand considered in the survey) (Q4)
BRAND No. of considering Respondent s 21 25 0 5 11 0 2 8 0 %age Standing in terms of Brand Perception 2 1 8 5 3 7 6 4 9

Sony Ericsson Nokia Philips Haier Motorola Fly LG Samsung Others

55.6 65.7 0 13.1 28.9 0 5.2 21.0 0

Other features that influence the decision (Q6) Most of the respondents didnt made any effort to think of any other feature and found the list to be exhaustive, but few of them did speak out after a little probing was done. a) b) c) d) Durability User friendliness Past experiences with mobile phones Feed back from peers and friends references Need to buy a mobile phone (Q7) Respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of mental belief or behavioral belief. The scores on the individual items were summed to produce a total score for the respondent with 1 for strongly agree and 5 for strongly disagree. Mean
a) I buy Phone to suffice my purpose of making and attending calls only b) I must have the newest technology available in the market
2.055556 2.333333

c) phone has become a status symbol and hence I should have the updated handset. d) I am price conscious and would wait for the prices to drop

3.027778 2.583333

The mean for option A is least (2.05) making it a most agreeable statement among the respondents and the mean for option C is the highest (3.02) making it the least consensus. consumer strongly agree that the phone is to suffice the purpose of making and attending calls and disagrees with the old perception that it has become a status symbol (Q8) needs apart from that listed in the question 7 following are the statements that few of the respondents answered against this question a. Competing features between brands coming at the same price range. b. I Need a memory storage device along with a phone c. my bank balance
d. Well before purchasing a phone I would like to c the entire feature of the phone !! like camera, sound quality, looks and features

e. I travel a lot so I look for a good battery back up f. who wud need a digicam a phone has got a good camera, I look of camera quality All the above comments some what contradicts the result of the question number (Q7), it shows that though a Mobile phones primary need is to make and attend calls yet customers looks for a multimedia. Another inference that can be made from the above result is that Indian consumer is not naturally comfortable in carrying too many devices, hence he looks for a single compact multipurpose equipment.

Brand Deficits (Q9)

Sony ericsson non user friendly Brand Name


Durability After sales service Battery backup

Price Looks

Motorola non user friendly Brand Name Durability Battery backup Effect of special promotion on purchase decision (Q10) Frequency No Yes 22 16 Percent 57.8 42.2 Valid percent 57.8 42.2 Cumulative percent 57.8 100

The result of this question came out to be interesting in the sense that it is equally likely with respect to the segment, the target audience do respond to these promotions, but those who least care bout such promotions never goes for such baits. This also confirms the accuracy of the response made by the respondents against the option I am price conscious and would wait for the prices to drop for Q # 7, whose mean came out to b 2.58.

Brand Recall (Q16)

In this question the respondents were asked to match the popular punch lines with the respective brand(s). No. Of respondents marking correctly 31 6 17 7 Precentage
81.5 15.7 44.7 18.4


Nokia Sony ericsson Samsung haier

1 5 2 4




We can clearly see that NOKIA has been able to penetrate into the mind of the consumer through its impressive advertising campaigns. Samsung also scored a fair enough recall rate as compared to other brands of its league, majorly because of his recent brand ambassador Aamir khan. Famous celebrities are able to attract attention and retain attention by their mere presence in the advertisements. LG as a brand is prominent for it other household commodities and hence people were able to relate its punch line. This is evident from the fact that out of 40 respondents only 3 marked LG, (Q15) whose advertisement was seen recently.

Price factor as compared to brand name (Q11)

Frequency Very important Neutral Not important 16 17 7 Percent 40 42.5 17.5 Valid percent 40 42.5 17.5 Cumulative percent 40 82.5 100

If we closely interpret this data, it again tells us the behavior of Indian consumer for whom, price is an important factor but still Indian consumer is ready to shed money for buying a mobile phone, provided he find it worth. Indian consumer sticks to a particular product and hopes that it lasts long, No matter if it comes a bit costlier, he can bet his money for reliability We can also interpret that It somewhat contradicts the result of 5th question, where brand was ranked higher then price. Hence the question wasnt appropriately framed to churn out apt result.

Brand Ratings (Q19)

Most of the respondents generally did not understand the question and found it a tedious job to respond on a likert scale. Also respondents didnt fill the options against the phone they have never used. Following is the analysis of the data obtained. The mean value for a consideration closer to 1 implies a strong agreement for the argument (For eg: value 1 for nokia against Good battery backup implies that 100 % of the respondents fully agreed with it)
Features Good battery backup Samsung 2.93 LG 3.5 Nokia 1 Motorola Haier 2.26 Sony 2.44 Top Brand Nokia

Good sound and camera User friendly Good after sales service Looks attractive Low priced

2.49 3.46 2.41 2.66 2.62

2.44 3.05 2.94 2.69 2.42

1.73 1.26 1.89 2.93 2.90

3.08 4.63 3.15 2.86 3.56

1.44 3.30 2.45 1.70 2.73

Sony Nokia Nokia Sony LG



First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth

Nokia Sony ericsson Samsung Motorola LG Haier

Observations and suggestions (for second rung companies)

Singh is king Things can turn a bit wrong in India or rather in any market for that matter, if one doesnt realize the age old (Indian business) saying "Grahak bhagwan ka roop hota hai". It is evident from the above survey that Nokia enjoys an unprecedented upper hand in terms of market share and customer preference in all segments of the mobile phone industry. And the reason is also clear that It has been able to achieve so by completely focusing on the customer demands and preferences. Now what do we mean by customer demand and preference?? is it what customer says? Or is it what the media says? In simple economic terms we can say that Demand is what consumer requires. Nokia read the mind of the consumer, it worked on its battery backup when other brands were working on to upgrade there phone with camera and music. It was quick in observing the fact that Indians use phones roughly and hence a phone which is more durable and break free would Strike a chord with the consumer. Nokia also kept an eye on the social

diversity and segmentation of consumer and came up with product line which has something for everybody Nokia did its basics correct and is now enjoying the privilege of being the MOST TRUSTED BRAND in India.

From the analysis of the data we can definitely discreet things that a consumer looks for. 1. As Price and the brand name has been ranked higher among the other parameters of preference companies should sense the sensitivity of price and importance of Building Brand equity. Building A brand equity is not an easy task in the Indian market and that too at times when there are so many competitors in the market and consumer is so discerning. Following are the few thing which I believe that all the other companies should work on, something which Nokia is good at. a). Decentralized distribution of its product. b). product for every segment. c). R n D on the durability aspect of the handsets. d) After sales service. 2. Though the survey says that phone is to suffice the purpose of making and attending calls, Indian consumer is not naturally comfortable in carrying too many devices, hence he looks for a single compact multipurpose equipment. So the companies should try to provide maximum portability of technical features within all price range. Indian consumer rated technical feature at the highest among the other parameters. 3. Companies should also work on their advertisement campaign, as the recall rate was not satisfactory. 4. Companies should tap new market, as the existing market is already stagnant.
5. To increase sales volumes company should use the newer and innovative selling concepts

6. Since maximum numbers of Indian consumers are family oriented hence companies should advertise and target the family as a whole.

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