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By : Andika Asy Siddiq & Reta Marina Pratiwi

In the part of the proposition thats have a relantionship between subject and predicate and thats relantions is called as Predicable. Therefore, Predicable is the name of the types of predicates in relation to the subject and his function is a way of explaining things. Porphyry divides the predicable into five parts; a. Genus & Species Genus is the type that is a set of objects, individuals, or other things that include the limited groups under which called Species. Genus and species is the names of Related class.
Broader class called Genus and smaller classes called species



A very broad class impossible to be the species is SUMMUM GENUS (the Higher Genus), and a very narrow class impossible to be genus is INFIMAE SPECIES (the Narrowest Species).

b. Differentia
differentia is something that differentiate one species with the other species in

the same genus

c. Propium (Property)

not to be the connotation of the term but continuation of these connotations

proprium as a result of deduction or as a result of some cause generic follow by genus speciefic follow by spesies

d. Accident thats the attributes are not part of the connotation and not also continuation accident tak terpisahkan contained in the class, and may also on the individual accident terpisahkan, present only in some members of the class and not all members of the class.

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