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Escola Oficial d'idiomes 5th level English exam preparation course Costa i Llobera 2012-2013

What does the exam consist of? The exam consists of 5 parts each worth 20% in the exam. You need 65% overall to pass. You can compensate between the parts to achieve this. The oral exam will be organised on a seperate day. Each candidate will receive individual notification of the date and time of their oral exam. 35-45 min 50 min 30 min 90 min 30-35 min. group 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Listening (Comprensi oral) Writing (Comprensi escrita) Grammar (s de la llengua) Writing (Expressi i interacci escrita) Speaking (Expressi i interacci oral)

Who is my teacher? Kirsty Morgan email: What is the objective of the course? The objective of this course is to prepare you for the exam in February; to practice the skills above needed for the exam and to increase your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar at the required level. What kind of materials will we use in class? We will be using a variety of materials from different sources; (course books, grammar books, "real life" articles, listening materials and videos, exam papers etc). Because we are not following one particular book it is important that you keep these materials safe for when you come to revise nearer the exam. It is also a good idea to make your own vocabulary lists so that you can easily revise at home. Will we have homework? Homework will be set every week and may be in the form of a written text, grammar exercises, presentations or internet activities. It's important to do the homework to consolidate what we do in class. What will the exam be like? As we go through the course we will do some timed exercises to give you an idea of how the exam will be and look at some past exam papers. This will help me and you see where you need to improve. Other resources Of course, anything you do outside the classroom will help to improve your English! Here are some ideas of websites in addition to reading books and watching films: (exam practice website for the Cambridge exams of a similar level. Try the grammar practice exercises for FCE and the listening and reading for CAE) (listen to your favourite songs and type the lyrics) (talks by different people on many subjects. Can watch with subtitles) (news with subtitles)

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