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Ben Hall

digital content creatively

click the black circles for live examples

MediaWeek interactive aBc reports

Interactive graphic that displays a news titles top-line circulation figures when the front page of the publication is hovered over or touched. The graphic display is responsive and, built in Javascript as opposed to Flash, works across mobile and tablet devices. Reproduced monthly.

HtMl Javascript

Marketings poWer 100

Interactive list of the 100 most influential UK marketers that allows users to build their own custom lists and share them across Facebook and Twitter. The display is responsive and works across desktop, mobile and tablet devices.

HtMl pHp JQuery

taBle & grapH creator

Web tools that enable journalists to create HTML tables and interactive Google graphs to house style with ease.

HtMl pHp

BrandrepuBlic HtMl tiMelines pHp XMl JQuery

A tool that takes data from XML and CSV files to build timelines that accompany news stories and features. The display is responsive and works across desktop, mobile and tablet devices.

Battle of tHe tecH patents

HtMl JQuery
Interactive grid that highlights lawsuits between tech and telecoms companies when hovered over, and details of legal action when clicked. Responsive and works across devices.

12 ideas for 2012

Interactive graphic that loads content based on user selection. Icons by M&C Saatchi

HtMl JQuery

caMpaign viral cHart

Weekly chart of the most-shared ads of the week, in conjunction with social video expert Unruly.


coMpass HtMl pHp MysQl JQuery

A communication tool for membership organisations to empower activists and gather the views of their members.

social suBscription
A plugin for Wordpress that restricts content until users have signed in or registered through Facebook.

HtMl pHp MysQl api

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