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Name ______________________________________ The Chemistry of Life

Atom Nucleus Electron Element Isotope Compound Molecule Micromolecules Macromolecules Chemical Formula Monomer Polymer Monosaccharide Polysaccharides Valence electron Polymerization Nucleotides Glycogen

Biology Unit 2 Study Guide

1. Fill out the chart below that describes the three particles that make up the atom:
Particle Proton Neutron Electron Charge Mass Location

2. What are some uses of radioactive isotopes?

3. Compare/Contrast: Ionic & Covalent Bonds.

4. What is an ion? What happens to an atom when it gains an electron? Loses an electron?

5. List the functions of the following:

Molecule Carbohydrate Function



Nucleic Acid

6. What properties of carbon explain carbons ability to form many different macromolecules?

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