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Make My Life A Pray To You We all go through changes many empty promises Inside we often will hide beneath

a false garb of hidden compromise, Some in empty promises others made sincere; As a trust to cope from many burdens shady Pine We made our mark out in its lively scope; Through its vain empty promise we have learned to cope A long the lines of misery we had sealed our lasting fate A cover up unbalanced that ran too late Make my life a prayer to you; ~ Exit stage left from an evil stare left black & blue Such as a night drawn to a tear in view We made our plans hence the opened door; A call to look inside having opened up more To great applause left inside will hide We hide frantic within its sorted demise Through slight of hand etched in dare Some may claim to know yet they really don't Make my life a prayer to cope; ~ I want to do what your fully asking me to do No empty words or no white lies No spoken prayers nor even compromise Many people today hide beneath a false lie Their lives our not real yet fake They look outwardly kind yet inwardly filled with hate !

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