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COMMON QUESTION DR SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAR Question: Heart is morose. Mind is in suffocated. In spite of sophisticated means of commu nication.

The humanity in the depth of hearts (disunited, scattered), is still l eft in agony. It is deprived of the panacea; NAMASMARAN (JAP, JAAP, SIMARAN, SUM IRAN; i.e. remembering the true self); and the holistic expression and assertion ; to realize holistic renaissance. We feel like remembering God's name. But don't get the joy, the vigor, the zest and the zeal. What to do? Answer: Read about God's name, i.e NAMA and NAMASMARAN. Watch and listen to CD about NAM ASMARAN. Talk about NAMASMARAN. Live for NAMASMARAN. The companions will grow in number and in love. You will get the joy, vigor, zest and zeal in NAMASMARAN!!! ESSENCE IN HINDI: . , l . l l , l , , ? l l l ((

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