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the death car it was a cold raining night in september.

George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends, the harrisons. where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of their daughter. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station.

the chershire police have issue a serios warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening. The man, John Downey, is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years ago. He described as large, very strong and extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire area warned to keep their doors and windows locked, and to call the police immediately if the see anyone acting strangely.

dont worry about it, said her husband as he spoke, the car began to slow down. George pressed the accelerator, but the engine only coughed. just as they stopped, George pulled the car off the road, and it came to rest under a large tree.

well, you will have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons. someone can come out and pick us up, said George But George! have you forgotten what the radio said? There's a homicidal maniac out there. you can't live me alone here. you will have to hide in the back of the car. lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back, under this blanket. No-one will see you. When I come bak, I will knock three time on the floor. then you can get up and open it. Don't open it unless you hear three knocks.

Merie quickly did what her husband told her to do Not very long after, she heard three slow knocks, one after the other, on the roof of the car. Bump, bumb, bumb,. Then she heard another knock, and another. this was not her husband. it was sombody or something else. she was shaking with fear, but she forced herself to lie still. the knocking had never stopped until dawn suddenly, she heard the saund of three or four police cars, racing quickly down the road. several policemen leapt out one of them rushed towards the car as marie opened the door and took her by the hand.

Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle, miss. you are safe now. look straight ahead. keep looking at the police car. Don't look back but marie could not help herself. she stopped, turned and looked back at the empty vehicle. George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. as the wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car __ bmp, bum

mobil kematian itu adalah malam hujan yang dingin pada bulan september. George dan Marie Winston melewati jalan negara kosong menuju rumah teman-teman mereka, Harrison. di mana mereka akan menghadiri pesta untuk merayakan pertunangan putri mereka. Ketika mereka melaju, mereka mendengarkan stasiun radio lokal. polisi chershire memiliki masalah peringatan serios setelah seorang pria melarikan diri dari Rumah Sakit Jiwa Colford awal malam ini. Pria, John Downey, merupakan seorang pembunuh yang menewaskan enam orang sebelum ia ditangkap dua tahun lalu. Dia digambarkan sebagai besar, sangat kuat dan sangat berbahaya. Orang-orang di daerah Cheshire diperingatkan untuk menjaga pintu dan jendela terkunci, dan segera menelepon polisi jika ada see bertingkah aneh. jangan khawatir tentang hal itu, mengatakan suaminya saat ia berbicara, mobil mulai melambat. George menekan pedal gas, tapi mesin hanya batuk. seperti mereka berhenti, George menarik mobil dari jalan, dan itu datang untuk beristirahat di bawah sebuah pohon besar. well, Anda akan harus menunggu sementara aku lari ke rumah terdekat dan memanggil Harrison. seseorang dapat keluar dan menjemput kami, kata George Tapi George! Anda telah lupa apa kata radio tersebut? Ada maniak luar sana. Anda tidak dapat hidup aku sendirian di sini. Anda akan harus bersembunyi di belakang mobil. mengunci semua pintu dan berbaring di lantai di belakang, di bawah selimut ini. Tidak seorang pun akan melihat Anda. Ketika saya datang bak, saya akan mengetuk tiga kali di lantai. maka Anda bisa bangun dan membukanya. Jangan membukanya kecuali jika Anda mendengar tiga mengetuk. Merie cepat melakukan apa yang suaminya menyuruhnya untuk melakukan Tidak lama setelah itu, dia mendengar tiga lambat mengetuk, satu demi satu, di atap mobil. Bump, bumb, bumb,. Lalu ia mendengar ketukan lain, dan lain. ini bukan suaminya. itu sombody atau sesuatu yang lain. ia gemetar ketakutan, tapi ia memaksa dirinya untuk tetap berbaring. ketukan itu tidak pernah berhenti sampai fajar Tiba-tiba, ia mendengar saund dari tiga atau empat mobil polisi, balap cepat di jalan. beberapa polisi melompat keluar salah satu dari mereka bergegas menuju mobil sebagai marie membuka pintu dan membawanya dengan tangan.

Keluar dari mobil dan berjalan dengan saya ke kendaraan polisi, Nona. Anda aman sekarang. melihat lurus ke depan. terus melihat mobil polisi. Jangan melihat ke belakang namun marie tidak bisa menahan diri. ia berhenti, berbalik dan kembali menatap kendaraan yang kosong. George menggantung dari pohon di atas mobil, sebuah tali terikat di lehernya. sebagai angin bertiup tubuhnya maju mundur, kakinya menabrak lembut pada atap mobil __ bmp, gelandangan

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