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Figure: 2 Herzberg's Satisfiers and Dis-Satisfiers

Vroom Model
Victor Vroom looked at effective motivation not in a uniform configuration of external motivators. Instead, motivation is the result of three major factors. The first are the goals a person wants to achieve-that is the main emphasis and not the internal state. No judgment is made about what needs may create the desire for these goals. The second major factor affecting productivity is a relationship a person perceives between productivity and personal goal achievement can high productivity lead to one's goal achievement. If yes, then high productivity will be seen as desirable and valuable. A final factor must also be considered, however. To what extent can a person influence his or her own productivity? If an individual believes that there is a little or nothing he can do to influence his output, his attempts to do so may be weak or nonexistent.. Again, it is his perception of ability to affect his productivity that counts.

Vroom Model

SoR By rewarding desired behaviour and punishing or ignoring undesirable behaviour, an individual or group can influence others in a desired direction.

Avoid using punishment as a primary means of obtaining desired behaviour. Positively reinforce desired behaviour, and where possible, ignore undesirable behaviour. Minimize the time lag between desired response and reinforcement, or bridge the gap via verbal mediation. Apply positive reinforcement frequently, preferably on a variable ratio schedule. Ascertain the response level of each individual and use a shaping procedure to obtain a final complex response. Ascertain contingencies which are experiences as positive and/or negative by the individual. Specify the desired behaviour in explicitly operational terms.

Porter and Lawler's Theoretical Model

The New Motivational Model (Porter-Lawler)

Motivation in the Overview Model

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