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Joshua 7 Achans Sin

Start with reading Chapter 6:17-21

What does this say about things being devoted to the Lord? Reference verses Deut. 20:16-18. Why is it important to destroy all of the people? They will lead the people Israel astray. How in our own lives do we get led astray by our friends? Led astray by our siblings? Led astray by ourselves? What three charges did Joshua accuse God of?

7:6-9 Brought us over to hand us over to the Amorites; our name will be cut off from the earth, what will happen to your great name. These all point to Joshua doubting the words of God to hand the people and the land over to Israel, they also show lack of trust regarding the covenant to Abraham to to make his name great. Check out Num. 14:13, and Deut. 9:26-29 to see what God says about his great name and the people of Israel. What does Gods response do?

Redirection of where the accusation should lie. 7:10-12 Why does the sin of taking the devoted things defile the whole camp, and not just the one who has taken the items?

1 Chronicles 2:3-8, Israel is a covenant community, so as they share in the covenant, they are held responsible for sin within the camp. Where else do we see in the Bible about sin having negative effects on more than the person committing the sin?

Genesis 3:14-19, mainly in the cursing of the ground because of Adams sin. Abram lied about Sarai being his sister and Pharoah was afflicted with great plagues, Gen 12:17. Romans 5:12-21, death through one man, the sin entered through Adam, and carried on through all of his descendants. Then Life came through Jesus, and carries on through all who are found in him, Philippians 3:9. Also 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. Why was it necessary for blood to be shed for the removal of sin?

Hebrews 9:15-22, also what does Leviticus say about the atonement of blood, Lev. 17:11. How can the violent death of Achan and his family be seen as the grace of God?

Well, when Achan confessed, we can see that as confession of the sin, we see in the Bible that is we confess our sin and turn away from it God is faithful, 1 John1:9. We also see Gods grace in one man dying for the rest of the people to be accepted back into his blessing. Sound familiar?

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