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Kathy Boockvar will fight

A message from your union

AFL-CIO 319 Market St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 AFL12_111_PA08

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Kathy Boockvar will put Pennsylvanias middle class first and fight for our chance to live the American Dream.

Education Jobs Retirement Education

Kathy Boockvar supports increased early childhood education, more funding for our public schools and affordable student loans to give every child the opportunity to continue his or her education. (Campaign website, accessed 7/17/12) Kathy Boockvar supports a tax policy that encourages businesses to innovate and hire right here in America, including tax credits for companies working on clean and renewable energy. (The Intelligencer, 7/9/12) Kathy Boockvar believes the Romney-Ryan plan is against the best interests of middle-class families, and will oppose privatizing Medicare.
(National Journal, 8/14/12; The Intelligencer, 8/14/12)

Stand with Kathy Boockvar and middle-class families.


How you vote is a personal decision. Your union and the AFL-CIO believe Kathy Boockvar is the best choice for working families. For more information visit:

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