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Reflection workshops

Pauline Wout - 1517597

Mini EI This workshop was useful. Once at the start of a new project I am often insecure about what is expected from me and which are the most important steps in the process. During mini EI, cycle one was acted out in groups which made it more easy to understand the different steps in the cycle. The fact that we worked in groups provided social contact within the studio which made it more easy to discuss your project with other colleagues. Besides, the different points of view of and the discussions with the people I was with in a team that day stimulated me. Interaction vision The presentation given during this workshop was very clear and to the point. The good examples in it made it useful in understanding the concept of interaction vision. To establish an interaction vision with people from the studio was fun and helpful at the same time. By going through this process in a practical way we were forced to use and reflect on the theory provided during the presentation. This workshop was also inspiring, because of the examples shown. Especially the videos communicated very well. The thing I missed was a bit more focus on and the attention for creating my own interaction vision. Interaction prototyping I did not prepare this workshop well because of a miscommunication with my buddy, Milou. We agreed on going to the 10:45 meeting, but that morning she discovered that she had another meeting by that time. I rushed to the university after she called me that morning. The fact that I did not prepare the workshop made it hard for me to participate, but still the workshop was useful. I applied the knowledge gained during this morning to making and evaluating an interaction prototype later that day. However, reviewing the prototypes of others was useful. Besides it was Interesting to see projects of others, who are not in my tutor group although it is hard to give feedback on someones process and prototype if you are not familiar with that project. The group members differed in what they had prototyped; some had a product-focused prototype, some prototyped an interaction.

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