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General Physical Examination


From the start and no single right way. You only find what you look for. Observant Eye and Eye Contact From head to Toe by all your senses Significance of general observations can be done before formally examining the patient

General Observations
Hand shake Posture and Gait Facial Expressions Clothing


Hemoglobin Cyanosis Melanin Carotene Bilirubin Hemosiderin

Jaundice and Liver Cirrhosis

Examination Points

Movements Sounds Odors Height, Weight and BMI Temperature State of Hydration

Dehydration Odema (Generalized or Local)


Hirsutism Hypothyroidism Scurvy Alopecia


Many different types of lesions Terminology Distribution

Hands Cyanosis and Clubbing

Shape Skin Nails Joints and Muscles

Rheumatoid Hand

Muscle Waisting


Mouth, Ears, Nose Skin Teeth, Gums, Tongue,,,

Lymph Nodes, Neck and Breasts

Know and Examine all groups of Lymph nodes and be systematic Know the steps of breast examinations

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