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Askina Calgitrol Ag

Residues practical recommendation

15 March 2012

1. Residues of the matrix in the wound:

Gray aspect of the wound : residues of the matrix mixed with exudate

After dressing removal, leave the gauze soaked with appropriate cleansing solution (Prontosan or saline) for 5 10 min on the wound. Gently clean the wound with the gauze Rinse with Prontosan or saline to remove all the residues

The residues completely removed:

Askina Calgitrol | Page 2

2. Residues of the matrix around the wound:

Adhesion of parts of the matrix the dry surrounding skin

Procedure to avoid it:

Adapt the size of the dressing to the size of the wound (Calgitrol can bi cut-to-fit!) Keep the wound moist

After dressing removal, leave the gauze soaked with appropriate cleansing solution (Prontosan or saline) for 5 10 min on the wound. Gently clean the wound with the gauze Rinse with Prontosan or saline to remove all the residues

>> The residue is not harmfull! It will go away by itself during the next dressing change. It does not leave discoloration on the patients skin.

Askina Calgitrol | Page 3

Important! Residues of Calgitrol permanently staining of the skin:

Calgitrol Ag

Acticoat leaves permenent stains similar to tatoo that lasts 14 days

Askina Calgitrol | Page 4

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