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Laksmi Indreswari, MD Biochemistry laboratory


testosterone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) androstenedione dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Regulation of secretion
Testosterone is the principle androgen secreted by the testes (Leydig cells). Testosterone and other androgens are also secreted by the adrenal cortex and in small amounts by the ovaries. Once secreted, testosterone is 98% bound to plasma proteins, mostly to sex hormone-binding globulin.

Regulation of secretion
Secretion of testosterone is regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. LH stimulates the Leydig cells to synthesize and secrete testosterone. Testosterone and FSH act to increase spermatogenesis. Testosterone provides negative feedback to the pituitary.

Aksis HPT
Hipotalamus GnRH Hipofisis Gn (FSH, LH) FSH target: sel Sertoli - ABP: T DHT tub.seminiferus spermatogenesis - inhibin/folikulostatin/SCF sirkulasi darah feedback LH (ICSH) target: sel Leydig steroidogenesis - androgen (T) sel Sertoli spermatogenesis - androgen sirkulasi darah efek androgenik

Mechanism of action
Similar to other steroid hormones. Binds to cytosolic receptors translocated nucleus regulate gene expression. In some organs (e.g., prostate): testosterone dihydrotestosterone (via 5a-reductase activity),

A more potent receptor agonist.

1. Oxidation at the 17 position
many tissues, including liver produces 17-ketosteroids (inactive or less active)

2. Reduction of the A ring double bond and the 3ketone

- occurs primarily in target tissues - produces the potent metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Physiologic effects
2nd male sex characteristics & male sexual behavior. Spermatogenesis. Promotes protein anabolism & growth. Enhances linear bone growth & muscular development. Increase in the size of the larynx and deepens the voice. Increases sebaceous gland activity, which may result in acne, & stimulates erythropoiesis.

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