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CAD for VLSI 1

Homework #1

1. Install and run iverilog and GTKWave for the input files listed below: 1. fibonacci.v and fibonacci_tb.v 2. halfadder.v . Write your own testbench. 3. fulladder.v . Write your own testbench. Write brief notes on how you think simulation works in each of these cases. Note down problems that you face in installing and using the tool. Write a 2 page report about your experiences in using the tools. Turn in a neatly hand-written or a printed copy. Do not attach waveforms or Verilog source code.


//Fibonacci sequence is 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 ...... 233 //active low reset, otherwise count on positive trigger of clk module fibonacci(output [7:0]fibseq, input rst, input clk); wire [7:0] fibseq; reg [7:0] Reg1; reg [8:0] Reg2; //bit pattern is printed in decimal for convenience initial begin $monitor($time , " : FibSeq = %d ", fibseq); end always@(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin //on reset, initialize reg1 to 0 if(rst == 1'b0) begin Reg1<=8'b00000000; Reg2<=8'b00000001; end else if(clk==1'b1) begin //Reg1 and Reg2 will infer registers Reg1 <= Reg2; Reg2 <= Reg2 + Reg1; if(Reg2[8] == 1) $display("\t\tout of range ERROR"); end end //Copy Reg1 to output assign fibseq = Reg1; endmodule

`include "fibonacci.v" //Test Bench module fibonacci_tb; // stimulus for Fibonacci reg clk, rst; wire[7:0] fibseq; // Instantiating the Fibonacci Module of fibo.v fibonacci u1(fibseq,rst,clk); initial begin #0 clk=1'b0; rst=1'b1; #12 rst=1'b0; #10 rst=1'b1; #150 $finish; //at time=172 stop simulation end // clk that toggles for every 5 units of time always #5 clk=~clk; //monitor the outputs initial begin $dumpfile("fibonacci.vcd"); $dumpvars; $dumpon; #172 $dumpoff; end endmodule


module halfadder (sum, cout, a, b); //port list does not differentiate inputs and outputs //do so now input a,b; output sum,cout; //concurrent signal assignment on sum //uses a dataflow expression assign sum = a ^ b; //AND primitive is used here //implies structure and(cout, a, b); endmodule

module fulladder (output sum, output cout, input a, input b, input cin); //port list differentiates inputs and outputs //some tools expect the inputs and outputs to be declared as wires too wire a,b,cin,sum,cout;

wire s1; //sum is generated as (a xor b) xor cin //s1 is a wire that stores a xor b xor(s1,a,b); xor(sum,s1,cin); //a concurrent signal assignment statement takes care //of the assignment on cout assign cout = (a&cin) | (b&cin) | (a&b); endmodule

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