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HTML Forms

John Ryan B. Lorca Instructor I

What is an HTML Form?

A tag enclosing other necessary form elements (e.g. Text box, menu) important for database processing or client-side computing

HTML Form Elements

Text box a text field
<input type=text name=txtVAR id=txtVAR value=default_value />

Check box allows multiple options

<input type=check name=chkVAR id=chkVAR checked=checked />

HTML Form Elements

Radio button allows only one option
<input type=radio name=optVAR id=optVAR checked=checked />

Menu allows selecting one or many options through a drop down list or list box
<select name=mnuVAR id=mnuVAR> <option value=value_1>menu_item_1</option> <option value=value_2>menu_item_2</option> <option value=value_n>menu_item_n</option> </select>

HTML Form and JavaScript: Sample Problem

Develop a web application that accepts two integer and computes for the sum of the integers.

HTML Form and JavaScript: Solution

<html> <head><title>Addition</title> <script type=text/javascript> function getSum (form) { var x = document.frmAPP.txtNUM1.value; var y = document.frmAPP.txtNUM2.value; var sum = document.frmAPP.txtRESULT.value; if (x == || y == ) { alert(Please provide two integers!); } else { sum = x + y; } } </script> </head>

HTML Form and JavaScript: Solution (ctd)

<body> <form name=frmAPP> Integer 1: <input type=text name=txtNUM1 /><br /> Integer 2: <input type=text name=txtNUM2 /><br /> Result: <input type=text name=txtRESULT /><br /> <input type=button value=ADD onclick=getSum(document.frmAPP) /> </form> </body> </html>

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