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Management 301: Management Career Lectures


Name: Sang Kim

Date: 10/24/12

ACADEMIC GENERAL PROFILE Degree(s) and Major(s) being earned:

V Bachelor of Science Major: Accounting Economics Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management Other Degree/Major: V Management

CAREER PROFILE Internship/Full-Time Positions being considered (you can list more than one title as you may have numerous positions that interest you right now): Coca Cola corp. Mckinsey & company Chase Samsung KIA S&J Fields or Industries being considered: Management Marketing


Key to career success is acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and credentials to advance in your chosen field or discipline. This exercise guides you through a process of examining your academic experience up to this point in time and forecasting what future academic experiences you will need to consider as you develop professionally.

PART ONE: Past/Current Coursework and Academic Experiences All of your courses potentially have provided a solid foundation for your educational development. However, on the table below, list key courses (descriptive names not numerical listings such as MGMT 301) that are relevant to the career position/field/industry you seek. These courses may have provided you with specific knowledge, experiences or skills that would be useful for you as a professional. These courses may come from your majors, minors, concentrations, as well as other courses such as electives or certification programs. Add more rows or subtract rows as needed. COURSES MGMT201 MGMT200 MGMT100 CS235 MGMT301 OBHR330 KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES, or SKILLS GAINED I learned how to manage the company as an owner As an investor, people used the Companys Balance Sheet to decide where to make an investment. Through the MGMT 100 class, I learned some courses information of Management. In management classes, I saw that there were lots of spread sheet by using Excel. For instances, balance sheet, T-ledger account, and Income statement etc. Along the CS 235 class, I could learn how to make the spread sheet by using Microsoft Excel. MGMT301 has taught me how the real world is, and how to right a resume, to make an appointment for interview. Human resource is important to management class. Through this class I learned how to socialize with other people very well.

In addition to coursework, you may have joined specific academic (or professional) associations, clubs or project groups. List any that would be key to your professional development. Add more rows or subtract rows as needed. ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS or PROJECTS Purdue undergraduate business of Korean KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES, or SKILLS GAINED While I was in this business club, member of PUBOK has discussed about real business problems out there. From that experience, I learned how to make a decision on the problem that company goes through.

List any additional experiences that have impacted your professional development while attending Purdue. This might include Study Abroad, Volunteerism, Social Clubs, Internships, Part-Time Work, etc. You do not need to re-state your resume but if there is something specific to note, put it in the table below. EXPERIENCES Study abroad KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES, or SKILLS GAINED Since I am an international student, for me being here is studying abroad. Because there are so many differ kind of people and people from variety countries,I learned about other cultures and tradition. PART TWO: Future Coursework, Certifications, Associations, Experiences As you look at your future, consider and respond to the questions below: What other courses will you need to complete in order to earn your degree (if you are not graduating this semester!)? Complete the information below and make sure you follow-up with your Academic Advisor with any questions/concerns/issues that you may have. Remember, courses may not always be offered when you expect

them to be (i.e. a course may need to be moved to another semester). This is for PLANNING purposes only to help you be aware of what you need to complete your degree in a timely manner.
COURSE CATEGORY GUIDE Required Minor/Concentration Elective (World History, Literature, Fine Arts, International, Professional, or Free) CREDIT HOUR REVIEW

Make sure you consult MyPurdue for up-to-date course information!

Term Year: 2012-2013 Spring

Transfer/AP Credits Total Completed Credits Current Semester Credits Subtract any retakes Credit Hours for Remaining Semesters Subtract any no credit courses Total Credit Hours Required Credit Hours for Degree
Term Year:2013-2014 Fall

7 32 17 0 68 0 124 124


Number 252 420 305 310 105 382

Category Macrocosmic Business writing Business Statistic Financial management Entomology Management information System


Number 306 419 354 361 451 102

Category Management science Managerial Economic Legal Foundation of business 1 Operation management Strategic management Chinese

Term Year:

2014-2015 Spring

Term Year: 2015-2016 Fall


Number 201 331 455 484

Category Chines Survey of Latin Lit Legal background of business MGMT new entreprenship


Number 202 488 505 506

Category Chines Elec Cmmrc&Info start Mgmt accounting 2 Auditing

Are there certain electives, concentrations, or minors that you should consider taking because they would provide you with additional knowledge, skills and experiences for your field of interest? If so, add them into your above planning. If you cannot fit them into your degree and graduate by your targeted goal date, would you consider staying for an additional semester? Consult with your Academic Advisor to make sure you correctly are interpreting your degree information.

For me, instead of taking other majors, I would rather to take and learn my major more deeply. It is good to have minors/concentration or etc. however you may fully understand what you are doing. So I would rather take one major.

What certification programs and professional association would be important for you to obtain and join to enhance your professionalism?
First of all, there are many certification programs and professional association at Purdue University. To enhance my professionalism, I could get into business related fraternity and get involved in business organization such as; Delta sigma phi, Alpha Gamma Rho and Alpha Kappa Lambda. In addition, I could join in national honor collegiate scholar association (NHCSA) depends on my GPA. In the NHCSA, I could do volunteering service, donation to poor people, and strengthen my resume through the experience. As I join in the fraternity and NHCSA, which is related to business, I can obtain and join to enhance my professionalism.

To advance in your field, will you need to obtain an advanced degree and when would be the best time to pursue that (directly after earning your undergraduate degree or after you gain professional experience in your field)?
To advance in my field, my opinion is that I might have an advanced degree, such as MBA. However, going to graduate school right after graduate from university do not sound good to me. I would rather work first than going to graduate school right away. After graduate, get an internship or job and see if you like that kind of job. And If you like it then go to graduate school to study more about that area and deeper.

FINAL STEP: Once you have completed this review, please upload this document into your Passport Account within the Academic Planning Challenge. This review is due in Passport by October 30th.

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