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2020 %100
Ikea has long been recognized for its adoption of sustainable practices, from investment in renewable energy to their
participation in the American Forests plant-a-tree program, and today the company has unveiled what might be its most
ambitious initiative to date.


, %100 ...
. ,
that a top spokesman for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has announced plans to transition the nation reportsThe Guardian
to 100 percent renewable energy in coming decades. Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud told the Global Economic Symposium
in Brazil that the Kingdom is moving forward with large investments in renewables, nuclear power, and other alternatives
to make the transition to low-carbon sources.

, ...
36.000 , ) (

. ) 40.000 (

The worlds largest solar thermal plant recently opened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The new plant is almost double the size
of what was previously the largest solar thermal facility (located in Denmark), and it will generate enough power to heat
water for a university of 40,000 students. GREENTecONE, an Austrian solar design company, supplied the solar panels
for the project.


First Solar ...

. %6.5 , , 100
The world's largest thin film solar module maker, US-based First Solar, has struck a deal with Indonesian utility
PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) to supply and build 100 MW of solar PV plants.

40 , 10
%20 ,
Brisbane, Australia -- Australia's largest solar farm went online earlier this month in a small step on the way to
achieving the country's ambitious renewable energy target.

Renewables Global Status Report . ,
. 2011 ) 208( , 2010 %16.7
New Hampshire, USA -- Renewable energy markets and policy frameworks have evolved rapidly in recent
years. Despite a challenging economic backdrop, reports reveal growth across all sectors.


100,000( 96 ...
.12 , . $ 15.2 )
MUMBAI -- Punjab Biomass Power Ltd., a developer of clean-energy projects in India, plans to set up 96
megawatts of plants fueled by rice straw by 2017.

, ...
%50 ,
BERLIN (AP) Germany's tax on households' electricity bills to finance the
expansion of renewable energies will rise almost 50 percent on the year as the
country pushes ahead with phasing out nuclear power within a decade.

, , ...

The coastlines of the U.S. are brimming with potential for offshore wind
development, yet every turbine is on land. Why isn't this coastal goldmine of
clean energy and jobs being tapped? According to a new study, the
impediment isn't technological, it's social.

. $11.15
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The first study to use detailed econometric methods to
measure the economic development impacts of wind power installations in a 12state region between 2000 and 2008 shows a positive net annual increase on
county-level personal income and jobs.

, 145 ...
32 , 24 , 121 , ,
following the tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 was an eye-opening event that caused many to The Fukushima disaster
wonder just how safe nuclear power is. Thanks to a new study


. 2.8 ...
100,000 500,000
About a quarter of Mongolia's 2.8 million people are nomadic herders of yaks, cattle, sheep, goats and camels
who live in gers as their traditional tent dwellings are known on the country's vast steppes. It is a simple
life that has endured for centuries. Until recently, it was also a life without electricity.


. $ 3 ...
. %3 %15 , %59 %15 .

Blackstone Investing in $3 Billion of Africa Power Projects

By Fred Ojambo, Bloomberg
October 9, 2012 | Post Your Comment
Blackstone Group LP, the world's biggest buyout firm, plans to start investing in energy projects in Africa worth $3 billion
amid increasing demand for power on the continent.


Powering Half the World with Wind by 2030

By Ysabel Yates, Contributor
October 8, 2012 | Post Your Comment
Last year, nearly 200,000 wind turbines met 2.5 percent of global energy needs. These numbers are impressive, but wind
energy has the potential to pack an even bigger punch according to a new study,...

, 2030 200,000 %2.5 , 4

5 7.5 . 2030


... .
$199 $30 $ , $820 %80 , ,
$.6 .


... 100 ( 16 )$
, , , ,

... 1990 2011 %56.7 , %43.5

German use of coal to generate electricity has declined steadily from 1990 to 2011, according to readily
available statistics on the German electricity system. The percentage of coal-fired electricity in German
electricity generation has fallen from 56.7% in 1990 to 43.5% last year a decrease of more than 10%
despite a increase in total electricity generation during the same period of about 10%. At the same time the
share of renewable energy in the electricity mix has increased from 3.6% to 19.9%, mostly due to the rapid
.development of wind energy and biomass


275 $ 2011 %17 .

. : 51 $ , %57
12 $ %62 ( .)


100 90 ,
13 .

/262012 /

... , ( )Drax


)wood . 1.13 $

6 .
%41 ( ) . %1.4

... : 2011
18.5 52 .

/ 25 2012 /
... ( ) .
385 , 100 . 109 $
2032 .

... , 2030

/192012 /
( )Suntech 2,4 1,8 ,

/ 18 2012 /
. 2030 ,

/ 16 2012 /
%14 . %14
. 2020 .

/ 12 2012/
. ( 32) .

... )terawatts 400( ,

( ) terawatts 1800 . = ()terawatts 18

( ) + Carnegie Institution for Science

terawatt= 1012 watts

/ 8 2012 /
... . 2000 52,580 6 . %96
( )

/ 4 2012/
... .

/ 29 2012 /
... ( ) solar dawn , 250
1.2 $ .
.. ( ) DOE

( ) N REL ( )micro grid


/ 27 2012 /
( ) .



/23 2012 /

%87 ... . %15
100 . 2020 200 , 2015 . 2020

... , ( 1 )
4500 3000 .

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