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Yuhua Secondary School - Term 3 Week 9

Secondary 3 Express Science (Chemistry)

Oxides Worksheet 1
Review of Lesson:
1. What is an oxide?

2. What are the 4 types of oxides??

3. How are acidic oxides formed?

4. Name 3 acidic oxides and give their chemical formula


5. Write the chemical equations of the 3 oxides mentioned above with water.

6. What happens when acidic oxides are added to acids?

7. What happens when acidic oxides are added to alkalis?

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8. Explain how acid rain is formed.

Preview of Fridays Lesson:

1. Magnesium and calcium are metals. They react vigorously in air to form oxides.
Which component of air do these metals react with?

2. Write the chemical formula of magnesium oxide.

3. Calcium oxide reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide. Calcium hydroxide turns red lit
must blue and forms OH- ions in water. What does this tell about the reaction of calcium oxide
and water?

4. Using your knowledge on Acids, bases and oxides, do you think calcium oxide will react with
alkalis? Why or why not?

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