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Was Canada Ready for WWII?

Answer each question in the blanks provided. (1 mark for each) Use p 209 (unit 4 title page), 218 (purple fascist page) and 226 228.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How long after Britain did we declare war? ____________________ What was the actual date (careful its a trick) __________________ How many Canadians served during WWII? ___________________ How many gave their lives? ________________________ Fascists in CANADA? NO WAY!...WAY. Who were the Blue Shirts? ___________________What happened at Christie Pitts? ________________________________________ What were some of the differences between the mood of 1914 and 1939 in Canada? ________________________________________ How did the death of Margaret Hayworth of Hamilton help improve the war effort?____________________________________________________ How large was Canadas military in 1939? _____________________ Describe our military preparedness in 1939 in the table below:

6. 7.

8. 9. 10.





For the 2nd time in our history, the government proclaimed the



Not only did WWII effectively end the Depression, it gave the many Canadians a new sense duty and economic stability. Look at the 2 pictures below. The first is George Milton from Of Mice and Men (poor Lenny.dont cry!) and the other is the snappy new uniform. Outline 3 ways that the war could improve an unemployed mans life:

List 3 ways WWII could improve an individuals life: 1. 2. 3.


By January of 1940, __________________troops were in the UK.

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