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Welcome Dear Reader! AS volunteer of the Jehovahs Witnesses, it is my goal to reach people with the go od news of God s Kingdom.

The Bible topics of this web site are taken from the o fficial web site, The Watchtower and Awake!, publications of the Jehovahs Witness es. What is the Good News? Christians are to preach the Good News of the Kingdom, by telling others about it, explaining that the Kingdom is the future world government that will rule the e arth in righteousness by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19, 20) (The Watchtower, march 1, 2011) Moreover, Jehovah, out of his love, is willing t o forgive trespasses by means of Christ. Thus individuals can break free from al ienation and become reconciled to God. (Romans 5:10; 8:32) This is the goal of o ur ministry. We know from Bible prophecies that the especially acceptable time, is fast coming to a close. Matthew 24:14. (The Watchtower, december 15, 2010 p. 14) * No Request Permission Required Request permission to use this blog information in connection with your personal web site is permitted. If you choose to quote directly from the copyrighted pub lications of The Watchtower, then it is customary to allow this as long as the q uotations are brief, they are used in a responsible way, and credit is given to the publication quoted. Your Personal Invitation Would you like to have a personal home Bible study and increase your knowledge o f the Bible? Visit please the official web site address of The Watchtower. Thank you. Cheers, ideacreamanuela Footnote: *For simplicity, I will refer to w10 15/12 14, in Scribd. docs. Moreover, "w" i dentifies The Watchtower , "g" identifies Awake! , published by Jehovah s Witn esses.

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