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the main character of the story, truly portrays a young Mexican girl. Her physical characteristics are long black hair with a brown skin tone, which is what the majority of Mexican girls are like. She is someone really close to her family and doesnt want to leave them behind which is part of the social aspect of being Hispanic. Hispanic families usually have a really close relationship with one another, which is how Amadas family seems to be. We can see this in the story when one of Amadas concerns is not knowing if she will ever get to see her family again once she migrates to the U.S.

book has a cultural setting. The story begins in Mexico with a family who is forced to leave their hometown because there isnt a job where the father can work to support his family. The family ends up moving to Los Angeles, California which is a city with a high population of Latinos, and is one of the main cities families from Mexico migrate to.

theme of the story is a conflict many Mexican families face at some point. Many families are forced to move from their home in Mexico to a new home in the United States to have a better life. The head of the family, usually the father, comes to the United States first to find a job and a place for the family to live. In the meantime, the father will send money to the family until he is able to bring them with him to the United States, just like it occurred in the story.

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