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Each Ring determines one Social Aspect of the character.

Each Aspect determines that kind of social defense, attack and vitality.

========================================================= - Use Courtier (Political Maneuvering) vs Etiquette (Bureaucracy) to find who ha s the power to give you wat you want. - Use Courtier (Political Maneuvering) vs Etiquette (Bureaucracy) to find them a nd talk to them. - You then use Courtier (Manipulation) vs Etiquette (Conversation) to find out w hat they want and what they can give you. - Use Etiquette (Sincerity) OR Deceit (Lying) OR Deceit (Seduction) or Deceit (I ntimidation) vs Investigation (Interrogation) to get them to want to give you wh at you want. - Use Courtier (Gossip) versus Courtier (Political Maneuvering) OR Storytelling (Rhetoric / Bragging) vs Storytelling (Rhetoric / Bragging) OR Deceit (Intimidat ion) vs Investigation (Interrogation) to make them suffer if they don t do it. - If they lied and/or failed to come through, use Courtier (Gossip) OR Storytell ing (Rhetoric / Bragging) to make them lose face. Use a Social Skill to challeng e them and Iaijutsu to duel them over it.

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