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Skyhooks is The Weir’s first LP and like the title and cover art hint, it is an

aspirational and fun record. The experimental compositions of his previous work
continue with this record, creating the soundscapes for some truly talented vocalists.
While uncompromising, Skyhooks is arguably his most commercial recording to

The opening track Leave Me Alone combines the rich storytelling of Move.Meant’s
Champ with Natascha Eleonoré’s sultry vocals to produce a soulful, dense slice of
Hip Hop. Sticking with the measured pace, Run Before You Walk uses a funky wah
wah guitar loop as a basis for a head nodding track of mystical proportions
introducing ethnic flutes and choirs to back up Logan’s tough lyricism and Frank
Costa’s cuts and scratches.

The tempo ups a notch as GoodWord comes in over a bouncy orchestral track.
Positive Vibes is a critique of the violent nature of hip hop and harps back to the fun
that used to be evident in the music. The UK’s own Teef follows with the epic Who
Knows with it’s layered synth led track that conjures a dark future ahead.
Side one finishes with the LPs first instrumental - Corruption. A deep spooky track
with a Theremin lead.

Side two kicks off with the heavy soundtrack-esque Entropy, a mellow and emotive
backing of simple piano and strings accompanies A.T.O.M’s religious and political
vocals. Cymarshal Law contributes the acoustic guitar based Dear God that builds
to a crescendo.

Champ returns with the bombastic Rock Steady, a rolling, clattering breakbeat
tumbles through the track while the simple chord structure builds throughout as
various brass elements keep the energy at ten. Two instrumentals bring the LP to a
close. Hellfire, with its eary and explosive orchestral power and the crunchy beat led
Cheyne Stoking.

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